Water Hygiene
Legionella Control

The Water Hygiene Industry Is Transforming

Traditionally, water hygiene companies have dispatched engineers in vans to sites.

Repetitive low-skill tasks, such as manual temperature monitoring and flushing, can take up 40-70% of a field engineers time.

The time and costs associated with fuel, travel, parking and admin are a drain on engineering productivity, so forward thinking teams are looking to change.

Deploying complementary remote services to release engineers from the mundane, to focus on other valuable tasks.

Interested in remote services? Here’s how we work with water hygiene companies and in-house teams.

The Future is IoT

A New Way To Solve Old Problems

The old monthly monitoring method for Legionella control strains engineering teams and clashes with sustainability goals. In contrast, digital solutions for remote monitoring enhance productivity, sustainability, and safety standards.

  • Enhanced Monitoring

  • Improved Productivity

  • Sustainability

  • Better Resource Allocation

  • Improved Customer Experience

  • Insufficient Monitoring

  • Increased Pressure

  • Sustainability Challenges

  • Lack of Real-Time Data

  • Resource Intensive

In-house Water Hygiene Teams

We’ll Help To Tackle Your Important Challenges

Do have to manage Legionella risks in your own facilities? We can work with you, or your water hygiene partner, to save time, reduce waste and lower costs.


L8Log is a complete digital logbook for Legionella control.

Log manual activities, and capture remote temperature readings, to build a complete picture Legionella compliance. Custom reporting helps your operating processes to work efficiently.


We comply with the Legionnaires' disease guidance from ACOP L8 and HSG274


Remotely and accurately monitor multiple sites, 365 days a year

Timed and Triggered

Temperature readings are taken on a timer and when abdormal temperatures are detected

Risk Management

Manage the level of risk for your buildings from our tailored Web and Mobile Application

Reduce your Carbon Emissions

Improved efficiency of your staff reduces your carbon output

Access Free Audits

Preform your site audits from anywhere in the world with our state of the art cloud solution

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Legionella Control Equipment

We provide the real-time status of your remote assets. No longer will you or your employees need to manually check assets, which means reduced costs, increased efficiency, and improved safety.


Temperature Sensor

This is a device at the end of our network, which are equipped with a sensor to collect data. They comes in the form of low power microcontroller that can be deployed for years without any requirement for maintenance, and sends data packets to the Gateways.

  • IP67 Rating

  • High Accuracy ±0.5°C

  • Small size

  • Secure Locking Mechanism

  • 3 minutes installation

  • 10 Year Battery Life

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Gateways are radio modules that serve as communication devices within a network between end-devices and a network server. A gateway is used to transmit sensor data from sensors and actuators to the cloud, for use in L8log.

  • IP65 Rating

  • 12h Battery Backup

  • 8 Channels

  • Up to 1000 Sensors

  • Security by Desgin

  • Range Up to 22km Line of Sight

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What do our partners say about working with us?

Michael Dean, Water Systems Manager


We choose our partners carefully and, after trialling many remote sensing options, we partnered with REMOTE TECH LTD. Their services simply work, and at a great price that allows us to profitably grow our recurring revenues using remote monitoring. I am excited about their innovation roadmap too, which will further help to modernise our approach to Legionella compliance.

Keith Smith, Director

Managed Water Services Ltd

REMOTE TECH LTD has showcased superior service through their partnership program. Their proficient team, known for excellent communication, provides top-notch marketing support, aiding in expanding our market presence. This support has been key in fostering a lasting, mutually beneficial partnership, enhancing our competitive edge.

Are you a Legionella Control expert?

Read more about partnering with Remote Tech to launch a range of
digital services to control Legionella.